D2: Evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing on health and social care provison.

D2: Evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing on health and social care provision.

In this task, I will evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing which are the social disengagement theory and activity theory on health and social care provision.


During the ageing process, the elderly may take different approaches to aging and may apply to different theories of aging such as the disengagement theory and the activity theory. All elderly individuals will deal with ageing in different ways, they may wish to stay active or they may wish to disengage themselves due to depression or they may be unable to deal with the processes of becoming older. Both of these theories of ageing have completely different thoughts and views of the ageing process. There are many services which are available to the elderly population, these services are usually provided to help people remain active, socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually. All of these aspects are extremely important for elderly people to keep mentally and physically healthy.

These services may include day centres for elderly people, this will encourage the individuals to stay social and interact with people.
These services which are available to the elderly are:
Nursing Assistance, Occupational or Physical Therapy-Licensed personal that may be provided by insurance (NHS) if the patient’s doctor prescribes their need or they can be hired on your own. This will help the elderly with everyday chores so that they remain fit and healthy.
Friendly visitors Volunteers from civic organisations, church, senior center, or service organisation will come and spend time with the individual. They could read, play cards, bring a video to watch, take them for a walk or whatever is needed. They are there to socially connect with the individual as well as offer support and monitor their wellbeing. ImageThese kind of services will help elderly people who may not have many family members or friends to stay socially active, it will give them the chance to make friends and interact with people.

Charities for the elderly:

Elderly people naturally disengage from the community due to heath conditions or diseases. The Government should do more to help the elderly, there are some charities like Age UK that are there to help our older generation. Age UK is a registered charity in the United Kingdom formed on 25 February 2009, and launched on 1 April 2009, which combines the operations of the previously separate charities Age Concern and Help the Aged to form the UK’s largest charity for older people. The charity operated under its original charity names as “Age Concern and Help the Aged” until the new brand launch on 19 April 2010.  I believe that as people going in later adulthood the Government should give them what they require, this could be medicine, equipment and free care if they are unable to pay for it themselves or don’t have any family that are willing to help provide for them.

Elderly people can become very lonely if they are away from friends and family, this could lead to more health problems depression, anxiety etc. Elderly people need to know that there are people out there that care about them a want to help aid them, this could mean that having someone that is willing to go and sit in with an elderly person once a week for a ‘chat’. ejhrquieElderly people need more day care centre’s as they exist to help them, the activities that will help elderly people boost up and restore their self-confidence and self-esteem which I think is the most important thing on their age. Of course, because of their age many people will underestimate the elderly’s capability of doing simple tasks, a lot of people think that they are useless and burden in the society because of this they will slowly lose their self-confidence and self-worth.

The freedom pass:

 For the elderly that would like to remain part of the community the Government offer a freedom pass, this allows them to travel freely on public transport.

why could the freedom pass help the elderly?

Travelling in London is very expensive which will affect elderly people as they will have retired by the time they can be award the freedom pass. This problem will stop them from engaging in the community. However bus passbecause of the Freedom Pass they have the chance to enjoy and go anywhere they want in London as they now have more time to do so. The freedom pass will allow them to visit their friends and family members without a having to pay the bus or train. If the elderly weren’t able to get the freedom pass they may not be able to travel because of money they may not have enough to pay for the transport to get to visit friends and family, this could lead to anxiety and depression, but this Freedom Pass will help them remain physically active.

I applaud the Government for offering the elderly the opportunity to travel and remain a part of the community. It gives the elderly the opportunity to remain active and maintain social interactions with other people. It is important for them to remain active as it will make them better physically and mentally and boost their self-confidence.

NHS based residential care for the elderly:

After a community care assessment has been carried out and it has been decided that the elderly person that your looking after needs support, they will be given a means-tested financial assessment. This is to assess whether they have to contribute towards the cost of the services.
Support services needed at the home of the person you’re looking after may be provided free of charge by the local authority. A local authority can choose whether or not to make charges for a service. residential homeHowever, there are certain services local authorities are never allowed to charge for.
If it does make charges, the local authority has to follow the Department of Health’s fairer charging guidance.

The local authority has discretion when it comes to charging for non-residential services. The person you’re looking after can ask the local authority to use its discretion if there is a dispute about charges.

Local authorities will consult with those using their services before they make any changes in their policy about charging. This is particularly important if an increase in charges is proposed. Consultations must give service users adequate information about the change in charges.

read more at: http://www.nhs.uk/CarersDirect/guide/practicalsupport/Pages/Chargingforcareathome.aspx

Your local authority is in control of NHS based residential care, they decide whether the case that you have put to them is strong enough to dignify paying for. I believe that this gives the elderly the opportunity to socialize in a care based environment, this allows them to feel safe and secure. This is a service that most elderly people who haven’t got family around or the family are unable to provide the amount of care they need are able to access. I think that the Government should provide more funding for projects like this as they have a common goal in trying enable the elderly to remain a part of the community.

6 thoughts on “D2: Evaluate the influence of two major theories of ageing on health and social care provison.

  1. Very good work! Did you pass the D2? i Dont understand what i need to do for the coursework and was wondering if what you’ve done is basically similar to what i need to do

  2. Hi, I just wanted to let you know that this is THEE BEST piece of work I’ve ever read. THANK YOU SOO much for this, it has helped me SOOOOOOOO much in doing my work, I found this site and I didn’t even had to go to another website to find more information to answer my question. I just finally finished of my work and writing this comment to let you know how much I appreciate your help, if not for this site..I don’t think I would have been able to do my M2 D2 & M3, can’t believe I finished off 3 pieces of work in just one day that too in few hours, so thank you ever sooo much for your help. (so sorry for the long comment)

  3. Oh yeh, and also if you don’t mind, just wanted to know how is it that you have posted your work in this website, any special reason, like to help people or just??

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